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As you can see, our blog is proudly wearing a new theme to announce the new presidency. More simple but with more informations, this blog is handy and striking. Hope you'll enjoy !

The big project of the year is to create a twinning between the association and a Czech lycée in Prague. To be informed about about this project, visit the dedicated category.

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One minute chrono Why not becoming a member ? New design Open yourself up to the World B-What ?!

What a speech !

Hello everyone!

We're really glad that you have come to our exhibition.
Plato said something like: “learn to know thyself”. What we have tried to do in this exhibition is to show you who we really are, inside.
But, what everyone needs is to be seen, to be recognized. However, you are not our mirrors, flattering our egos; rather, you are what enables us to define ourselves. Do we not become what others want us to be?
Something else we learned this year is that you should not judge by appearances. People are complicated… they are not skin-deep!
So, even if we sometimes overdosed on narcissism, and if we sometimes hated our teacher, who persecuted us with emails, we are definitely very happy to be able to present our work to you today.
As one of the four exhibition curators, I want to thank my fellow pupils, for their time and patience and sheer artistic genius! We are pleased with the result of all our hard work.
Thank you to Mrs Vidal and to Mr. Morisset for their patience and unfailing support.
I want to especially thank all the employees of the museum for their trust and untiring help. They wanted us to be professional and I hope we have been up to scratch. It has been a huge honor to have worked with you all.
Thank you and enjoy the show!

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