Are you always too busy? By watching the BBC’s One-Minute World News you can keep up with events in just 60 seconds per day ! Enjoy the power of English news !

What is to be an official member of the GEC association ? Discover all the advantages to become a member by clicking on the link... hesitating yet ?

As you can see, our blog is proudly wearing a new theme to announce the new presidency. More simple but with more informations, this blog is handy and striking. Hope you'll enjoy !

The big project of the year is to create a twinning between the association and a Czech lycée in Prague. To be informed about about this project, visit the dedicated category.

What can you do with a box ? Outwardly, not a lot of thing. But in fact, it's not so unuseful, you can even conquer the World with boxes ! To discover the mystery of the boxes, click on the link !

One minute chrono Why not becoming a member ? New design Open yourself up to the World B-What ?!

A great Europe Day !

There is no word to qualify this very special day. From the big meal, the atmosphere was really great. Everybody laughed and chated in a good temper. The musicians were fabulous, it was a very good tribute to the talented Chopin. Then it was the meeting about Europe. Just before this, the POSTC@RDwas send in each country of Europe. The meeting was about the poor people in Europe. I didn't know plenty of persons were so poor in Europe ! And that's why the European Union give helps to the countries in order to fight poverty.
Thanks to all the members of the GEC to have organised everything ! It was awesome !
PS : Here there is a newspaper article about our party, enjoy !

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